Nintendo Grants Jimmy Fallon The First Live 'Zelda: Breath Of The Wild' Switch Gameplay

Nintendo Grants Jimmy Fallon The First Live 'Zelda: Breath Of The Wild' Switch Gameplay

Nintendo Grants Jimmy Fallon The First Live 'Zelda: Breath Of The Wild' Switch Gameplay

Nintendo Grants Jimmy Fallon The First Live 'Zelda: Breath Of The Wild' Switch Gameplay

If Colbert is PlayStation and Kimmel is Xbox, then Jimmy Fallon is certainly the Nintendo of late-night hosts.

Don’t ask me how I came up with that analogy, but Nintendo decided that last night’s episode of Fallon would be the best place to show off new footage of not only Super Mario Run, but also surprise viewers (and pretend-surprise Fallon himself) with a Nintendo Switch and a couple minutes of Zelda: Breath of the Wild running on that Switch.

This is…a first? I’m pretty sure? It’s sort of hard to tell, given how confusing Nintendo has been showing off Breath of the Wild on its different platforms. When Breath of the Wild first debuted, all footage was being shown only on the Wii U for months, especially at E3’s days-long Treehouse, because the Switch itself wasn’t ready for primetime.

Then, the Switch debuted and showed clips of Zelda footage in its trailer, but those were simulated screen images, and it was hard to glean how representative they were of the final game. So unless I missed something, or Nintendo has secretly shown us other Zelda Switch footage without telling us, this appears to be the first live demo of the game running on a Switch itself.

And it looks great.

Yes, this footage is technically footage of footage, with Fallon and Reggie standing in front of a screen (as Miyamoto adorably looks on from the audience), but even then you can tell how great this game looks running on Switch. The framerate is rock solid, the environments and effects especially look much improved compared to the Wii U footage the game debuted with, which already looked good, despite the age of the system.

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