Colbert Reveals What Really Went on in the TIME Offices As It Picked Trump For Person of the Year

Colbert Reveals What Really Went on in the TIME Offices As It Picked Trump For Person of the Year

There wasn’t a ton of surprise when TIME Magazine announced its Person of the Year distinction yesterday as President-elect Donald Trump, who emerged from a pack of finalists that included Vladimir Putin, Hillary Clinton, and Beyonce. Trump himself showed doses of humility immediately after it was announced, praising the “very important” magazine.

But that doesn’t mean that the selection process was easy, at least when it was reimagined by the staff of The Late Show with Stephen Colbert. The cold open for Wednesday night’s episode features a TIME Magazine executive (played by legendary late night comedy character actor Brian Stack) leading his team through the pivotal last step of the process: saying Trump’s name.

The first beat of the sketch is innocuous enough. “Once again it’s time for us to select our Person of the Year,” he says in the bit. “I think we all know who is has to be, so if someone will just come out and say it, we can move on.”

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