Late Show host Stephen Colbert talks with VP Biden in first TV interview since Election Day #2

Late Show host Stephen Colbert talks with VP Biden in first TV interview since Election Day Celebrity News #2

CBS’ Late Show host Stephen Colbert recruited vice president Joe Biden to hold a heart-to-heart “family meeting” with America on Tuesday, hoping the “father figure with actual authority” could share some comforting wisdom following the country’s “sudden changes.”

Referring to himself as “dad” and to Biden as “pops,” Colbert proclaimed to his audience, “we know that you’re worried about the changes the family is going through.”

“It happens to every family, but I’ll telling you, this terrible feeling you’re having right now, it’s not permanent,” the vice president said. “It’ll be over in four years, maybe eight.”

“Pops Joe” then offered a frank, but insightful, observation into American democracy, albeit it one embedded in a metaphor about mowing the lawn.

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