John Oliver Slammed Donald Trump Again On 'Last Week Tonight' With An Emmy Bet

On Sunday night's episode of Last Week Tonight, John Oliver proved once again that he really gets us. "Unfortunately," he said, "We have to start tonight with talking about the 2016 election." Once again, John Oliver slammed Donald Trump with his hilarious Emmy bet. Among the many things that Trump said at the third and blessedly final presidential debate that were horrible, he refused to say that he would accept the results of the election should he lose, and as Oliver noted, seemed miffed when Hillary Clinton pointed out that his show The Apprentice never won an Emmy award.

At the debate, Clinton made the very salient point that Trump called the awards rigged when The Apprentice didn't win an Emmy. It's no wonder that he's already getting ready to claim the entire electoral process is rigged if he will lose (which he probably will). Oliver also showed a clip of Trump at a rally just days later saying that he will accept the results of the election... if he wins! Oh, Donald you old trickster. We thought for a moment you were going to say the rational thing, but it turns out you've fooled us once again. Oh, what larks!

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