John Oliver Says School Segregation Is Bad... But Is It Really? (LAST WEEK TONIGHT REACTION)

John Oliver on his HBO show “Last Week Tonight” discussed the current day status of school segregation and how it negatively affects African American / black students. Much of his speech seems to come from his liberal writers over there at HBO, sans any experience of his own. After all, Mr. Oliver is from the UK and presumably has zero experience with grade school education in the United States. His knowledge of the issue may just come from his “educated” liberal writers who, ironically, probably attended mostly white K-12 schools themselves and have no first hand experience of that which they purport themselves to be sympathetic towards.

There isn’t anything wrong with schools that are mostly one race. The issue which was correctly addressed in the 1960s was the legislation that forced schools to be one race or the other. It denied people freedom of association. Therefore, the crux of the law was to grant freedom of association, not necessarily to force white kids and black kids to attend school together, even when they didn’t really live near each other. Forced integration caused nothing but problems on every level from social interaction to the final result of the actual education received.

Liberal ideology rails against the thing which would actually fix black schools. Rather than force white kids to attend schools with blacks to artificially raise test scores and magically force funding to come down the pipeline, the appropriate thing to do would be to enable school choice. Which, of course, the liberals don’t want to do… because they don’t want that to undermine their political goal of having “diverse” schools. Because, the worst thing in the world would be if a black kid takes advantage of school choice to attend a mostly black school, and other kids follow him. Same thing for whites, and other races.

The reality is that schools currently are shielded by the lack of student’s ability to opt out and attend another school and teacher’s unions that keep bad teachers on. “Reintegration” will just cause unnecessary issues rather than solve any problems.


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(FULL) School Segregation: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

62 years after Brown v. BOE, court orders schools to desegregate

Reaction to The Young Turks Video About Cleveland Mississippi Schools Ordered to Desegregate

Mississippi District Ordered to Desegregate Its Schools (The Young Turks(

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