CNN’s Cuomo Calls Out President Trump’s ‘Bully Tactics’ and Deep Insecurities

n this bizarre post-truth presidential administration that at times seems just as built on action as it is suspicion and paranoia, many journalists have been repeating the same line of advice: keep doing your jobs. Holding government accountable has been one of the core tenets of a free press since our nation began, and reporters continue to grapple with how to deal with the cascade of falsehoods emanating from the White House.

This strange terrain was at the heart of the morning panel on CNN’s New Day Friday, with David Gregory remarking that the Donald J. Trump administration seems to be building towards a “ministry of propaganda.” They’re “…talking about illegal voters, obsessing about crowd size and ratings,” says Gregory, rather than focusing on leadership.

But it was anchor Chris Cuomo‘s succinct summation of the 45th President that sums up the situation perfectly. Cuomo concluded the segment by saying, “These are bully tactics by somebody whose showing insecurity when he should be the most secure person in the United States of America.”

The issues surrounding these falsehoods have been significantly exacerbated in the days since President Trump took the Oath of Office one week ago. He repeated the unverified claims that millions of “illegals” voted in our general election — all for Hillary Clinton, apparently, costing him the popular vote, going as far as to announce a “major investigation” into it — and newly-installed press secretary Sean Spicer has doubled down on these questionable assertions in his briefings.

Watch above via CNN.

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